Special Farewell Message from President Marion Ross Fedrick

Staff Report From Georgia CEO

Thursday, June 27th, 2024

Dear Ramily & Friends, 

As my time at Albany State University comes to a close (view the official announcementthis academic year, I am filled with a range of emotions, but one that sums it up well is gratitude. I am grateful for the opportunity ahead, and the one I’m leaving behind.

It has been a pleasure to lead the university, to be part of a dynamic campus, alumni, and supportive Albany community. Leaving a place Horace, Sarah, and I have called home for the last seven years was an incredibly difficult decision. While here, we formed deep connections and friendships, have been enriched by the vibrant community, and were made stronger by your unwavering support. We will miss the uniqueness of Albany, and ASU, but we will always cherish you in our hearts.

As a community, you trusted me to lead our beloved Unsinkable and Indestructible ASU. We launched innovative programs, expanded our reach, and enhanced the student experience, all of which have contributed to the growth and success of ASU. What started as an interim assignment, with a wonderful transition team, quickly evolved into my life’s pursuit of ensuring student success and access.

These last seven years have stretched us all. Unsinkable and Indestructible took on a renewed meaning as we came together to rebuild after Hurricane Michael, rebound after the COVID-19 pandemic, and mourn the loss of students, employees, and friends. These challenges reinforced the importance of our interdependence, strengthened our resolve, and demonstrated our resilience, all while proving we are Albany Strong.

This once-in-a-lifetime experience has been personally and professionally rewarding – the relationships that I’ve made, the lessons that I’ve learned, and the accomplishments that we’ve achieved together.

We have exceeded expectations for success beginning with the consolidation of the two schools which fortified us while advancing ASU as the largest HBCU in Georgia. Our student body now represents over 80% of the states across the U.S. and 16 countries worldwide. Students can now pursue 54 different degrees, including 5 master’s programs introduced in the past seven years.

Excellence is the Standard, our strategic plan (click here to view), serves as our north star guiding our decisions. Your list of accomplishments from this plan is impressive and chronicled in the 2022 and 2023 State of the University (click here to view).

I’m excited about my new role and the ability to make an impact using the best practices I've learned at ASU. I am confident in the potential of this community and look forward to seeing the great things you will achieve next.

Thank you for your support and trust. I am honored to have shared this incredible journey with you. It's difficult to say goodbye, but easier to move on knowing we have a sustainable formula for success that we've built together.

The University System of Georgia has selected Dr. Lawrence M. Drake II to serve as the interim president (view the full release). The ASU Official Presidential Search Committee members have been named and a national search is underway (view the full release).

I will end like I began - with gratitude. Your commitment to our mission, dedication to our students, and support for creating the ASU of the future is unparalleled. While I may be leaving Albany, I want to reassure you that I am just a phone call, email, text message, or a visit away if you need me. Our connection is important and I am committed to maintaining it.

Yours for ASU, 

Marion Ross Fedrick