Diedra Langstaff Shares 3 Social Media Marketing Tips
Friday, October 7th, 2011
Deidra Langstaff of Langstaff Marketing in Albany offers a few simple tips any business can implement into their social media presence.
Hi, I’m Deidra Langstaff of Langstaff Marketing and today I’d like to give you three tips about social media.
The first thing I’d like to tell you is, number one, don’t fall into the habit of thinking that it’s all about you. When you are working on your Facebook page or when you’re Twittering or your LinkedIn updates make sure to remember that it’s not all about you, especially on your fan page with your company or your company page. You want to make sure that you are talking about interesting subjects, interesting topics that are more than just what you want to tell your customers, but really what your customers want to hear. So don’t fall in the habit of thinking that it’s all about you.
Number two. It’s Facebook page abandonment. You set up the Facebook page, you put a lot of effort into it, you start going and then the next thing you know and its three weeks later and you haven’t put out any new information. Now I will say this, I am as guilty as the next person of not updating my Facebook page as often as I should, but make sure that you try to set a schedule, obviously it’s better if it is sporadic and it is not at the same time every day. But, if it helps you get into the habit then make sure you do that. Do it first thing in the morning when you come into your office and go ahead and get on Facebook and put in an update. That will help you get into the habit and help you pay attention. I do suggest that you keep your page open on your computer and you can just have it minimized, but that kind of gives you a reminder as well throughout the day to maybe put out some good information that’s come across your desk.
The third thing that I think is more important is, don’t give up. Several customers come to us and say, we’ve had our Facebook page up now for six months and we only have, you know, 325 likes or 325 fans, depending on, you know how long ago it was that you set up your Facebook page. And they’re frustrated by that. Don’t give up. Not all of us can be, you know, Aston Kutcher and you know, Angelina Jolie. We’re not going to have the top seated Facebook fan pages. You just keep plugging away. It’s all about consistency, keep putting out great quality content. If you’re having trouble on your content, it’s always helpful to contact a journalist or a friend, someone who’s great at writing that can help you come up with some interesting tidbits and some interesting facts. Don’t feel like you can’t outreach to others that are not in your company.
And one last tip. Make sure you understand that it’s not the marketing person’s job to update social media. It is everyone’s job in the company. And before you do that, I want to make sure that you do have a social media policy. And we’ll talk about that at another time.
Don’t forget, marketing is everything and everything is marketing.
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