Spotlight: Marine Corps Logistics Base Albany Supervisor of the Year

Kerri Copello

Tuesday, March 25th, 2025

Ashlyn Mullen is the Deputy Director of the Manpower Division at Marine Corps Logistics Base Albany.

MCLB Albany has always been a part of her life due to her mother beginning her career and retiring thirty-five years later. As a child, Mullen shares that she remembers attending summer day camps and Independence Day celebrations.
Mullen started her professional journey at MCLB Albany in 2008 as a contractor with I&E Division. After 10 years as a contractor, and many years of trying to land a civil service job, she was hired in 2018 as a Management Analyst in Manpower Division. Throughout the years she says that she has worked with an amazing team and was provided opportunities that helped her advance in my career.    

The leadership that Mullen has worked with over the last seventeen years contributed to her being recognized as Supervisor of the Year.  She says that they are a big reason that she is here today.  “Being in a supervisory role was something I didn’t consider early in my career, but I have had the honor of working with some of the most influential leaders that believe in their employees and invest time into helping them grow professionally.  I truly love what we do.  Even on the tough days, I still know that we are making a difference in the lives of Marines,” says Mullen.

She does not have a specific moment of achievement she is proud of but says that being able to pull through the gate every morning to support the Marine Corps is an honor. Her goal – show support through hard work and be a positive influence on others.

The Manpower team is a family and an important job in support of the Warfighter. Manpower serves as the starting point to getting the most qualified applicants into positions and Mullen says that she’s proud to work alongside her team. They, too, have been short-staffed for some time but her work family continues to improvise, adapt and overcome the tasks at hand.

Early in her career, Mullen worked in the I&E Division. As you walked in the building there were multiple framed Marine Corps posters in the hallway. She walked by these posters every day, but one always stood out to her - an image of a tattered American flag with Marines in combat gear, with the words “What have you done for them today?”  She now has that poster hanging in her office and uses it as a constant reminder of why we are all here. “No matter how big or small the job may be, we are all on this base to support the Warfighter.  My motivation comes from those who offered their lives to defend our freedom.  They are the reason that I come into the office every day and I am thankful that I get to work with some of the best Marines in the corps,” adds Mullen.