Albany City Commission Meeting Overview

Staff Report From Georgia CEO

Wednesday, August 28th, 2024

On Tuesday, August 27, 2024, the City of Albany Commission met for its regular meeting. Below are some of the items that were voted on.

Memorandum of Understanding for Gillionville Woods Court: Authorizing the City of Albany to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding with Coleson, LLC re: construction of Gillionville Woods.

- The Commission approved the resolution.

2025 Employee Group Benefit Plan: Approving the 2025 Public Employees Group Health Plan.

- The Commission approved the resolution.

Speed Table Construction II: Authorizing contracting with Legacy C+C, LCC for construction and installation of speed tables at various locations; authorizing use of TSPLOST I funds for such measures.

- The Commission approved the resolution.

Street Resurfacing List (Phase D): Approving list of streets for Street Resurfacing Phase D; authorizing use of TSPLOST I, LMIG and TSPLOST II Funds.

- The Commission approved the resolution.

Flint Riverfront Trail Design Services: Authorizing use of TSPLOST I Funds re: Flint Riverfront Trail Design Services.

- The Commission approved the Resolution.

Internet Services: Accelecom - Total annual expenditure: $107,424.48; three-year total cost: $322,273.44.

- The Commission approved the Purchase.

Henderson Park Design: Consider approval of Option 1 or 2.

- The Commission selected option 2.

FY 2025 Millage Rate: Levying and assessing the rate of taxation for City purposes on all taxable property in the City of Albany, Georgia for Fiscal Year 2025.

- The Commission approved the ordinance.

SPLOST Distribution Process (option 1 or 2): Approving the SPLOST Distribution Process.

- The Commission selected option 2.

Homeownership Incentivization Plan (option 1 or 2): Supporting a Homeownership Incentive Plan; utilizing American Rescue Act Funds as allocated in Resolution No. 22-R193.

- The Commission selected option 2.

Carver Design (option 1 or 2): Approving Carver Gym Design; authorizing use of SPLOST VIII Funds.

- The Commission selected option 1.

Concession Building Improvement Driskell: Authorizing use of SPLOST VII Funds for Concession Building Improvements at Driskell Park

- The Commission approved the resolution.

To watch the August 27, 2024, City Commission meeting, you can visit

To see more information on the items that were voted on, you can view the agenda here.