September Presentations at the Georgia Archives
Tuesday, August 31st, 2021
The Georgia Archives is offering two free virtual Teams live events in September. On September 10 from noon to 1:00 p.m. is our Lunch and Learn presentation on Georgia politics by University of Georgia Professor of Political Science, Charles S. Bullock, III.
Dr. Bullock holds the Richard B. Russell Chair in Political Science and is Josiah Meigs Distinguished Teaching Professor and University Professor of Public and International Affairs at the University of Georgia. He has been at the University of Georgia since 1968 with the exception of two years when he was Professor of Political Science at the University of Houston. In 2005 and 2009 he was a senior fellow at Oxford University’s Rothermere American Institute.
In 2015, Dr. Bullock was named University Professor, an honor bestowed on faculty who have had a significant impact on the University of Georgia beyond normal academic responsibilities. The honor was first awarded in 1974, and no more than one University Professor can be named in any year.
The link to the Lunch and Learn live event is:
On September 24 from noon to 1:00 p.m. our educational series Fourth Friday From the Archives presentation is “A New Collection at the Georgia Archives: The Downtown Development Design Assistance Materials Including the Georgia Downtown Main Street Program,” by Georgia Archives Archivist Amanda Mros.
The Georgia Main Street Program, coordinated by the Georgia Department of Community Affairs, began in 1980 as a pilot program for the National Main Street Initiative launched by the National Trust for Historic Preservation. This program uses public and private partnership to revitalize downtown areas, promote tourism and employment, and preserve historic buildings throughout Georgia. Organized by city, these files contain color plans, architectural designs, local histories, and photographs.
Amanda has been an archivist at the Georgia Archives for 16 years. She received history degrees from Berry College (BA) and the University of West Georgia (MA), with a Public History Certificate from the University of West Georgia.
Amanda worked at a series of house museums and with the Benjamin Mandeville Long Photograph Collection (located at the University of West Georgia’s Special Collections and available online through the Digital Library of Georgia). These experiences further developed Amanda’s love of architecture, which fits neatly into this presentation about Downtown Development’s Main Street Projects.
The link to the Fourth Friday From the Archives live event is: https://
The link for the live events will be posted on the Georgia Archives’ Facebook page and website wwww.georgiaarchives.
If you plan on using an iPhone or tablet, you may need to download the Teams app.
The Georgia Archives is a unit of Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia. The Georgia Archives identifies, collects, manages, preserves, provides access to, and publicizes records and information of Georgia and its people, and assists state and local government agencies with their records management.
If you have any questions, please email Penny Cliff at