Dougherty County Administrator Appointed to State Regional Water Planning Council by Lt. Governor

Thursday, April 29th, 2021

Dougherty County Administrator, Michael McCoy, has been ap- pointed by Geoff Duncan, Lieutenant Governor for the State of Georgia, to serve as a member of the Lower Flint-Ochlockonee Regional Water Planning Council. The vision of the Council is to manage water resources in a sustainable manner to support the region’s economy, to protect public health and natural systems, and to enhance the quality of life for the region’s citizens.

Goals of the council to support its vision includes ensuring access to water resources for exist- ing and future water users in the Lower Flint-Ochlockonee region; sustaining the region’s aqui- fers, most particularly the Floridian aquifer, in a healthy condition that will continue to support the natural systems and economic activities of the Lower Flint-Ochlockonee region; maintaining the production-agriculture-based economy of the Lower Flint-Ochlockonee region; and support- ing sustainable economic growth in the region.

“The Flint River is at the heart of Dougherty County, providing both a natural resource and rec- reational feeder for our local and statewide citizens,” said Michael McCoy, Dougherty County Administrator. “I am honored and excited to be chosen by the Lt. Governor to serve on this council and look forward to the opportunities to work with other colleagues in our district to con- tinue to work to sustain this resource.”

For more information about the Lower Flint-Ochlockonee Regional Water Planning Council, visit ning-region/lower-flint-ochlockonee