Albany Museum of Art Hosts Spring Break Stayaction Art Camp March 30th-April 3rd
Wednesday, March 4th, 2020
While it feels like winter never quite made it to Southwest Georgia, the calendar is still moving ahead. In just a few weeks, it will be spring and time to take a weeklong break from school.
For those who will be home for all or part of spring break week—March 30-April 3—the Albany Museum of Art again hosts Staycation Art Camp. It will keep your child in K-5th grade entertained and busy with creative art projects, games and all-around fun for the entire week.
“We’re planning some wonderful art projects and the kiddos will have some time to play games and work off extra energy with some time outside,” Annie Vanoteghem, director of education and public programming for the AMA, said. “We have full days, half days and you can sign up for a day or two instead of the whole week if you like.”
She said the camp is designed so that campers will enjoy their time at the Albany Museum of Art while also participating in fun art projects and activities that will engage their creativity.
Full-day camp is 9 am-4 pm, while half-day camps are 9-noon or 1-4 pm.
“While the kids are out of school, we know that many of the parents who send their children to our Staycation Art Camp have to work at their jobs that week,” Vanoteghem said. “We try to help out by offering free early drop-off each day starting at 8 am and late pick-up at 5 pm. There’s no extra charge for either one.
She said parents can pack a sack lunch for their camper each day or sign up for lunch when they register their child.
“We’ve already had some calls about spring break camp, and summer camp, too,” Vanoteghem said. “The kids have a good time creating art and they love to come back!
Members of the Albany Museum of Art get a discount for their campers. There also is a 10% discount for each sibling who attends.
The cost for the full-day camp for the full week is $135 for AMA members and $170 for future members. The full-week cost for half-day campers is $85 for AMA members and $100 for future members.
For those who want to attend from one to four days, each full-day session is $35 for AMA members and $45 for future members. Each half-day session is $20 for AMA members, $35 for future members.
You can register your young artist by contacting Vanoteghem at 229.439.8400, or by going online to and clicking on the blue registration button.