Soothing Art of Sound Coming February 2nd to the Albany Museum of Art

Staff Report From Albany CEO

Tuesday, January 21st, 2020

Experience art in a uniquely relaxing and refreshing way at 9:30 am on Saturday, Feb 1, 2020 when the Albany Museum of Art joins with 229 Yoga and Inherent Sound to present The Art of Sound.

The session will take place in the Haley Gallery, where Origami Variations, works by Gloria Garfinkel, is on exhibition. The facilitator will be Amanda Borghi, who is certified as a yoga instructor and sound healing facilitator. She is the owner and founder of Inherent Sound.

Borghi, who works at 229 Yoga in Albany, says a sudden realization inspired her to combine art with soothing sounds.

“It was brought to my attention one day that viewing art is like a form of meditation, that we become present with what we are looking at—the here and now—just by bringing our focus to the work of art and its appearance and how we feel about what we are viewing,” she said.

She said a “light bulb” moment prompted her to find a way to “combine what I do with sound with a space that already encourages people to be mindful and present naturally.” She said she also was happy the combination “could create a fundraiser that, in turn, provides that opportunity to more children in Albany.”

“We excited to be able to bring a new way to experience art to Albany,” Annie Vanoteghem, director of education and public programming, said. “We’re hoping for a good turnout. Combining beautiful visual art with complementary soothing sounds while you’re unplugged from the demands of everyday life will be rejuvenating.”

The Art of Sound experience does not require any movement by the participants. Guests are encouraged to bring a yoga mat, pillows, blankets and anything else to support their comfort and enjoyment of the experience. Borghi also suggests they wear comfortable clothing, noting that layers allows the participant to control body temperature

Guests, who will be allowed to enter starting at 9 am, will arrange themselves as comfortably as possible on the floor, on a yoga style mat or in a chair if that is preferred. Borghi said the session will start promptly at 9:30 am, and that late arrivals will not be permitted out of consideration to the other participants.

“Sessions often begin with a short breathing exercise to help the body slow down and release tension,” she said. “ Then the sound experience begins. Guests will hear and feel vibrations from quartz crystal bowls, chimes, drums, gongs, and more.

“These sounds and vibrations can be heard and felt in the body, and they interact with us on a cellular level. Participants report feeling relaxed and refreshed, and they often are able to sleep better.”

After the hour-long session, The Art of Sound guests will attend a light brunch at the museum, where there will be entertainment and an artist who will create a work that will be auctioned.

Those open to a new experience will find it soothing and reinvigorating, Borghi said. It’s a respite from the busy schedules that can weigh on individuals.

“Once I started teaching yoga, I witnessed how stressed and strained people are,” she said, explaining how she got involved with sound experience. “I saw it within myself, too.  I wanted to offer an additional tool to help people find a place of ease, and a space to passively heal and just take a break.  I wanted a modality that did not require physical movement, since that is not for everyone and many are hesitant or limited by injuries.

“We are in a world of go, go and then go some more. I wanted to offer people a place to pause and just be, to empower them to feel like the best version of themselves.”

Funds raised from the event will benefit AMA community programs. Borghi says she has been impressed by the work the museum has done for the community.

“They do so much work and bring so much beauty, education and awareness to the community,” she said. “I just knew I wanted to collaborate. I have always thought and felt it was important for young people to be able to have access to art and express themselves creatively.  When I learned how many programs and the tremendous effort the AMA puts into its kids’ camps, I was blown away.”

Admission to The Art of Sound is $20 for AMA members and $25 for future members. AMA Contemporaries members may attend for free. Participants should bring a yoga mat or chair.

There also are a limited number of VIP spots available. Yoga mats are provided for VIP participants, who also will receive a gift bag. VIP tickets are $50 each.

Tickets can be purchased by contacted the AMA at 229.439.8400, or by going online to There is a ticket sales link on The Art of Sound event on the Albany Museum of Art Facebook page.