Dougherty County Public Works and Georgia Department of Public Health Hosts Statewide Mosquito Identification Class
Friday, April 19th, 2019
On Monday, April 15, 2019, Dougherty County Public Works, in collaboration with the Georgia Department of Public Health, kicked off a two-day statewide mosquito identification class at Robert Cross Park Facility.
The two-day course provided information on surveillance and control. Information on Georgia-specific arbor virus surveillance, as well as mosquito identification, was provided. In addition, new information and training was provided on collecting mosquitoes for pesticide resistance studies. Instruction was provided by Parker Whitt, an entomologist from the North Carolina De-partment of Agriculture and Dr. Tiffany Thuy-Vi Nguyen, the State Entomologist for the Geor-gia Department of Public Health.
Classes were open to Environmental Health Specialists, PCO’s, Mosquito Control personnel, and any others who wanted to learn mosquito identification. A total of 27 individuals from through-out the state attended the session representing counties such as Houston, Hall, Rabun, Gwinnett, Chatham, Camden, Cobb, and Liberty.