How to Utilize Albany's Gold Star Ambulance

Tuesday, October 4th, 2011

Charles Proctor of GoldStar Ambulatory Service in Albany shares how someone would utilize a privatize ambulance service.

Hello. My name is Charles Proctor and I’m one of the owners of Gold Star Ambulance here in Albany, Georgia. My partner and I—Todd Hartman and I started this ambulance service a little over a year ago, and some of the questions that we get asked often are how can I utilize your service. It brings to mind a call where we actually ran from Thomasville, Georgia, from one of our offices down to Miami, Florida, to pick a man up off of a ship who just wanted to be transported home. And we provided this service within a 24-hour period, brought him back home safe and sound, and it was just one of the many ways that we’re able to provide care.

Often we’ll get called by a family member who has a loved one here in Albany that may need to go back home where they live in Tennessee, or up in north Atlanta, or somewhere in South Carolina. But we occasionally get calls for things like that. But even the regular things that happen around Albany, we can take your loved one from a nursing home to the hospital, or discharge them from a hospital to a nursing facility, or back home. If the case is not an emergent case, we can provide transport from your home to the hospital.

So please just give us a call. We’ll be happy to tell you who could pay for the services and how everything works. Even if we cannot help you, we’ll be happy to let you know how the system works. Again, my name is Charles Proctor and I’m the owner of Gold Star Emergency Medical Services here in Albany, Georgia. You can reach us on the web or give us a call at 317‑4911.

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