Verge Boutique Opens Local Business in Downtown Albany

Tuesday, September 20th, 2011

Jessica Blair shares why she and her husband moved to Albany, opened up shop, and provides details on some of the services the shop provides.

Hello, my name is Jessica Blair and I am one of the proud owners of the Verge Boutique that’s in downtown Albany; co-owners with Sara Edmonds. And just here to tell you a little bit about what we have going on in downtown Albany.

I’m new to Albany as many of you know. My husband and I came originally from Ohio, and moved to Naples Florida, lived there for 12 years and now in Albany Georgia. And it has been very interesting coming from Naples Florida to Albany but we’re loving it and we just feel like we’re doing our part here to help the community and it’s been very successful so far.

A little bit about what we do here in Albany Georgia is we are a consignment store. We have more of an upscale boutique so when you come in it may not look to you that it is consignment. We have anything from vintage clothing and vintage boots, jewelry, regular clothes; anything and everything in between. Coming from Naples Florida it’s very different. I’m almost like a northerner coming to live in the Deep South for the first time, and my favorite thing about Albany so far as been the southern hospitality. The people that live here are genuinely wonderful; just so warm and inviting. They’ve taken us in as part of their family and we’re just so proud to be a part of that group of people and to see Albany grow and rise to what it should be. And I’m just thrilled to be a part of that.

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