Input Sought for Future Growth of Colquitt County

Staff Report

Thursday, August 6th, 2020

The Moultrie Colquitt County Development Authority, in partnership with the Colquitt County Board of Commissioners and local municipalities, has spent the last several months invested in creating a roadmap for growth and economic development in Colquitt County over the next 10 years.  Guided by a key stakeholder group of approximately 30 community leaders including business and industry partners, local government officials, nonprofit organizations, and educational institutions, the Moultrie-Colquitt County Economic Development Strategic Plan has established a vision of Colquitt County serving as the “Hub of Southwest Georgia,” in every aspect of community life.

Working with the Association County Commissioners of Georgia (ACCG), the Economic Development Strategic Plan Steering Committee has identified five “big ideas” to guide future growth:  1) Being a “Unified” community; 2) Serving as a destination for “Education;” 3) Engaging future generations through a “Progressive” approach; 4) Building and enhancing a “Diversified Employment Base;” and 5) Investing in strategies for “Quality of Life” that speak to ALL of our residents.

A critical component of developing this comprehensive strategic plan for economic growth relies on the input, feedback and involvement of the public—residents, educators, business leaders, elected and appointed officials—anyone who feels the future of Colquitt County is important.  Because the approach to the plan is truly comprehensive, it is essential that the Economic Development Strategic Plan Steering Committee hear from as many people with a vested interest in the future success of Colquitt County as possible.  With an ambitious goal of wanting to hear from over 200 people, the Steering Committee seeks your help! 

We want to hear your voice in plotting our community’s future.  Giving us that feedback is both easy and safe. We ask for your help and candid input by participating in an online survey, which can be found on the Moultrie Colquitt County Development Authority’s website,  Please help us plan for the future you want! 

It is vital to the future of the Cities of Berlin, Doerun, Ellenton, Funston, Moultrie, Norman Park, and all of Colquitt County, for you to join the efforts of the Economic Development Strategic Plan Steering Committee and provide your insights through this survey.  The Economic Development Strategic Plan Survey will be available online through Friday, August 28th.  For additional information or questions, please contact Barbara Grogan, President, Moultrie Colquitt County Development Authority, at (229) 921-1457, or via email at [email protected].