Sheriff Sproul: Voting in a Crisis

Sheriff Kevin Sproul

Wednesday, April 1st, 2020

Times like these are unprecedented. Many have compared this current pandemic to the great influenza outbreak of 1918. Now, like then, there was no cure and people had to rely on good personal hygiene, disinfecting, quarantine, isolation, and social distancing. Fortunately for us, we have modern technology to make those things easier. With the Internet and social media, we can stay connected even if we are not able to be together. We also have the ability to work from home, be entertained at home, and have food and other goods delivered to our home.

There is another advantage we have today that did not exist in 1918, although it does not rely on the Internet. That is absentee voting.

This is a big election year. Not only is there a presidential election, but many important state and local races are being run this year as well. It is important that people don’t lose their opportunity to exercise their most important right – the right to vote – during this time of crisis.

The Presidential Preference Primary has now been postponed to May 19th, to coincide with the regular primary due to concerns that voting would violate the social distancing guidelines necessary to stem the advancement of COVID-19. We do not know, however, if those social distancing protocols will be lifted or relaxed by May. Even if the May primary is held as planned, many may not want to go to their polling place to vote amid concerns of being infected. The best answer is to vote absentee.

Absentee voting is easy and allows the voter to vote from home. Any registered voter may simply submit a request (which can be downloaded from the Dougherty County website) and an absentee ballot will be mailed to them. Once filled out, the ballot is mailed back and the vote is cast! This is an easy way to ensure your voice is heard while maintaining social distancing

Also, remember that in a primary election one must choose their party. Some may choose to vote on either a Democratic or Republican ticket in order to participate in a specific race. In some cases, voters may choose to participate in a local race on one ticket at the expense of participating in a state or national race on a different ticket. If you are one of the people trying to decide on which ticket to vote in order to participate in certain races, the only advice I can give is to remember that often our local officials have more day-to-day impact on our lives.

Our nation is in crisis. If this pandemic prevents your voice from being heard at the ballot box, that is another crisis. The best way to prevent that from happening and to ensure your right to vote is not infringed upon, is for you to vote absentee. That is also the best way to exercise your right to vote, while protecting yourself and others from potential infection. Please consider this option while there is still ample time to do so and God Bless!