Georgia Natural Gas Donates $200,000 to Help Low-income Families Heat Their Homes

Staff Report From Georgia CEO

Friday, February 7th, 2020

Low-income Georgians throughout the state will have additional financial support to help with the costs of heating their homes this winter.

Georgia Natural Gas (GNG), Georgia's leading natural gas provider, is donating $200,000 to the Heating Energy Assistance Team (HEAT), a nonprofit organization that provides energy assistance statewide to Georgians in need.

"Year after year, Georgia Natural Gas has remained committed to supporting HEAT's mission to provide energy assistance for low-income Georgians," said Jeffrey Joseph, executive director of HEAT. "This substantial contribution has the potential to assist nearly 600 Georgia households, including families, seniors and disabled veterans who meet the low-income guidelines."

"Georgians should never have to choose between the heat they need to stay safe and warm during extreme temperatures and other much-needed basics, like medication or food," said Mike Braswell, president and CEO of Georgia Natural Gas. "Hopefully, this contribution from GNG will help ease the financial burden for struggling families in Georgia.  We are proud to support HEAT's continuing efforts to provide energy assistance to Georgians during the cold winter months."

As the oldest statewide fuel fund in Georgia, HEAT provides energy assistance as a joint effort between concerned citizens, state and local governments and businesses.