Sheriff Kevin Sproul: A Prime Opportunity to Join in the Fight Against Crime

Sheriff Kevin Sproul

Friday, August 26th, 2016

As Sheriff of Dougherty County, I would like to discuss an issue very close to each of us – crime prevention.  My office is committed to making our neighborhoods safer places to live.  By doing so, we will improve the quality of life for individuals and families; both young and old.  It is imperative that we seek progress to reduce the negative influences that crime has on our children and to help safeguard the elderly.

In the past year, this office has worked extremely hard to make significant improvements in our county.  Through community-based programs and an emphasis on professionalism, we hope to reduce crime and build safer communities for our citizens.

I personally want to thank all of you for supporting the Dougherty County Sheriff’s Office in the pursuit of our goals.  I also want to thank the Georgia Sheriffs’ Association for the support that they continue to provide by way of training, technical resources, legal and legislative support.  The GSA is the leading agency which directly supports Sheriffs’ Offices throughout the state.

Responding to the increasing number of people wanting to assist law enforcement officials and build a stronger partnership in the fight against crime, I would like to invite all Dougherty County citizens and businesses to become Honorary Members of the Georgia Sheriffs’ Association.  Membership appeals will go out in the mail shortly. Individuals choosing to join the voluntary program can do so for as little as $20, while businesses can show their support for a $50 contribution.

The funding will allow the Georgia Sheriffs’ Association to continue to provide training to Sheriffs, Deputy Sheriffs, Jail Officers, Law Enforcement Chaplains, and administrative staff.  The GSA also pushes for tougher laws for criminals and fairer laws for victims.  They promote drug and gang awareness and character education training for youth and sponsor programs to build better community relations.

The Georgia Sheriffs’ Association does not solicit donations over the phone and all contributions are tax-deductible. Anyone interested in knowing more about this very important program may call 770-914-1076, or go to the Georgia Sheriffs’ Association website at

I strongly urge the residents of Dougherty County to consider participating in this honorable program – not only for its monetary support of law enforcement, but also for the moral support that unites us in building a safer community.  If you are already a member, thank you – and I encourage you to renew this year.  It is a valuable investment in our future.