Gov. Deal Takes Blame for Slow Response to Snowstorm

Friday, January 31st, 2014

Gov. Nathan Deal vowed Thursday to develop a plan of action to avoid future disasters like the traffic gridlock that paralyzed metro Atlanta during Tuesday’s snowstorm.

“We did not respond fast enough to avoid some of the consequences [of the storm],” the governor told reporters during an update on the state’s response to the storm and its aftermath. “We will be much more cautious and aggressive in terms of taking action in advance of future situations.”

Although only two inches of snow fell on Tuesday, government agencies, businesses and schools dismissed workers and students at the same time, sending a massive volume of cars onto the region’s interstate highways and surface streets.

In the gridlock that resulted, students were stranded in schools and school buses and motorists were stranded in their vehicles, some not getting home until Wednesday.

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