City Divided on Chehaw Funding

Wednesday, August 7th, 2013

A divided Albany City Commission asked for more information from Chehaw Park officials Tuesday after commissioners were asked to continue subsidizing the wild animal park for another five years at $1 million a year.

Commissioners Bob Langstaff and Roger Marietta and Mayor Dorothy Hubbard asked Chehaw Executive Director Doug Porter and Chehaw Park Authority Board Chairman Scott Kemp to present additional information at the commission's Aug. 20 work session so that they can consider voting on a motion by Commissioner Tommy Postell to allocate the funding.

Postell and Commissioner Christopher Pike voted to approve the funding request at $1 million per year, and Commissioners Jon Howard and Ivey Hines voted against the funding. The other three abstained from voting until more information is provided.

The vote came after Marietta had offered a motion to fund the park at a 3 percent reduction in city contributions. That motion died for lack of a second.

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