Commission Votes to Hire Recruiter for City Manager

Press release from the issuing company

Friday, December 17th, 2010

The Albany City Commission voted Tuesday 6-1 to hire Florida-based Colin Baenziger & Associates to recruit the candidates from which they will choose the next city manager.

During their work session last week, commissioners heard presentations from both Baenziger and Robert Mercer, the head of the Mercer Group — who each told the group they would do a nation wide search for candidates for around $20,000.

Ultimately, however, it was the guarantees offered by both firms that was the deciding factor for most on the commission.

Ward I Commissioner Jon Howard — who, along with Commissioners Dorothy Hubbard and Bob Langstaff, comprise a sub-committee focused on the city manager selection — said Baenziger had the better guarantee should their selection fall through.

Read more: Albany Herald